TerrA ExiT

pon atencion... la salida esta cerca... listen now... the outdoor is near...


I am back to save the universe


In the next world war
In a jackknifed juggernaut
I am born again

In the neon sign
Scrolling up and down
I am born again

In an interstellar burst
I am back to save the universe

In a deep deep sleep of the innocent
I am born again

In a fast german car
I'm amazed that I survived
An airbag saved my life

In an interstellar burst
I am back to save the universe

In an interstellar burst
I am back to save the universe


together by rutine.... i wonder?

I wonder if we can fall in love of a rutine
after been so long with the same person
do you tend to need it
because of the love
because of the used to be with the.

I used to believe
that been with the
was everything i need
but that happend to be a lie
what do i need? ?

something is for sure
i dont know.

i spend so much time loosing myself
than now
i can not find me...

sometimes when u give it all
u loose it all as well,
that dosent means
we have to start from scratch
after all
when u loose u gain
how ??
u may said...
we gain a record of the loosing
the tips for gaining
others may said
a record of bettings and loose
that teach us to win
so maybe then
after all we finally
get what we need.

but the price for me is still unknow ...

guess i not good learning
or the tips aint so good
as the others said.



a million that worth zero

Soy el cristal quebrado en un millar
ahora soy más y me siento menos
al verte reflejar un millón de veces en mi
pero nunca una sola vez.

Soy el millón de navajas que cortan al que intenta unirme
un cielo estrellado a la luz del Sol
un universo infinito con la oscuridad de la noche

Soy el cristal quebrado en un millar
y es el capricho del señor tiempo multiplicarme en mil
para que sea más y nada al final.


The funny littlE peOple

we are all unique
but still...
we are all funny little people
with funny little details

and we all have the same direction
the same exit door
we are ahead to the way out all the time
and that is TerrAExit

and the knowledge of the exit
make us feel even smaller
and that's why
we all are a bunch of funny little people
that makes a funny little wave
a funny unique wave
before the exit
before TerraexiT.

have you made u're own wave??
are u ready to exist...?